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SustVest is a sustainable investment platform that offers a range of investment opportunities focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. The company’s mission is to promote sustainable development and responsible investing by providing investors with access to a diversified portfolio of sustainable investments.

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Potential Reach

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Tier A influencers were handpicked after a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of profile reports and audience credibility. This careful selection ensured that influencers aligned perfectly with SustVest’s mission and values.

We collaborated with Tier A influencers to maximize reach and engagement. These influencers were chosen for their strong credibility and ability to effectively communicate SustVest’s unique value proposition.

Instagram was chosen as the primary platform to talk about the great returns and ease of investment. Influencers explained the model and structure of how SustVest provides such returns, under the motto “Sustainability With Investment.”

Each influencer went live every alternate day, ensuring that the buzz about SustVest remained consistent among the niche audience. This strategy maintained continuous engagement and interest in the platform.

The campaign was a mix of acquisition and awareness. Given the unique model of investment and return, influencers focused on explaining the structure and benefits of SustVest. They emphasized the higher fixed interest rates compared to traditional FDs, aiming to build credibility and eradicate any feelings of distrust. Personal testimonials, detailed explanations, and practical demonstrations were used to highlight the platform’s reliability and potential for sustainable returns.

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Powerful Influencer Marketing Awaits

Having driven 1B+ views to the content we create, I believe
‘Facts Tell, Stories Sell’. We live in the age of authentic content. Anything that’s not, quickly gets flagged and dumped. And to solve for it – Confluencr is built on story telling – a bespoke approach to each influencer, each collaboration to maximise the impact for our brands – one content piece at a time.

Sahiba Dhandhania

Founder & CEO, Confluencr

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