#NOVA #IVFTreatment #Infertility #NOVA #NOVAivfFertility #Infertility #FertilityClinic #NOVAHospital #IVFTreatment #IUITreatment

Nova IVF Fertility (NIF) is a leading provider of fertility treatments in India, offering advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) at global standards. NIF aims to bridge the gap in low adoption of infertility treatments by raising awareness about infertility as a treatable medical condition. With a commitment to standardized and ethical infertility treatments, NIF provides core procedures such as IUI, IVF, and andrology services. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies like vitrification, embryoscope, and ERA, along with specialized techniques like IMSI and ICSI, NIF enhances pregnancy chances, even for patients with prior failures, showcasing its dedication to world-class fertility treatments with international expertise in India.

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Influencer Profiling

We partnered with mom influencers and married couple influencers with a mature audience to make information about IVF more relevant to the audience. Our primary aim was to educate them about the benefits of IVF, emphasizing Nova IVF as a standout provider in the field. We focused on raising awareness about the effectiveness of IVF and highlighted Nova IVF’s position as a top choice in the industry.


We went with mid-tier influencers because they often have a more dedicated and engaged fan base compared to mega influencers or celebrities. Their audience is typically more niche and closely aligned with the influencer’s content. Their audience may perceive the influencer as a peer rather than a distant celebrity, making the endorsement more genuine and impactful.


YouTube is known for accommodating longer-form content, making it an ideal platform for explaining complex topics like IVF in detail. Given that our goal was to explain what IVF is and how it helps people, YouTube’s platform is conducive to educational content. Viewers often turn to YouTube for tutorials, explanations, and informational videos, making it a suitable space for content that delves into the intricacies of medical procedures like IVF.

Content Frequency 

We chose 1 video to be posted every month, since a monthly release schedule provided ample time for audience interaction. Viewers could ask questions, share their experiences, and provide feedback on each video. This engagement not only fostered a sense of community but also offered valuable input that could shape the content of future videos.

Content Style  

We made a decision to structure our influencer content as a Q&A-style long-form conversation with doctors at the Nova IVF Centre as it aligned well with the educational nature of our campaign. It combined expertise, authenticity, audience engagement, and enduring content value to effectively communicate information about IVF.

Let’s Influence Together!

Our efficient and effective influencer marketing campaigns help as a catalyst in your digital marketing.

We are able to considerably reduce user acquisition costs and improve user retention through our content.

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