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Meesho, India’s largest resale platform, connects 20,000 manufacturers from over 500 towns to 2.6 million resellers across India. It provides users with an affordable, enjoyable shopping experience.

0 M+

Potential Reach

0 K+


0 K+




We collaborated with beauty and lifestyle influencers to resonate with Meesho’s target audience and enhance engagement.

We engaged mid-tier and macro influencers to increase brand awareness, broaden reach, and build credibility for Meesho.

YouTube was selected for its effectiveness in integrating detailed, engaging content about Meesho, reaching a wide audience.

Influencers posted videos every alternate day, ensuring continuous buzz and keeping Meesho top-of-mind for viewers.

Content highlighted Meesho’s affordability and variety, featuring influencers showcasing diverse products and sharing personal shopping experiences, making the platform relatable and appealing.

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Powerful Influencer Marketing Awaits

Having driven 1B+ views to the content we create, I believe
‘Facts Tell, Stories Sell’. We live in the age of authentic content. Anything that’s not, quickly gets flagged and dumped. And to solve for it – Confluencr is built on story telling – a bespoke approach to each influencer, each collaboration to maximise the impact for our brands – one content piece at a time.

Sahiba Dhandhania

Founder & CEO, Confluencr

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