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Mastree is India’s first three-in-one English learning initiative, teaching students in grades 1-12 how to communicate tactfully, read voraciously, and listen effectively. Their carefully chosen faculty and well-designed modules help children develop linguistic skills and abilities from a young age.

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Potential Reach

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We collaborated with parenting, education, and child influencers to promote Mastree. These influencers were selected for their strong engagement with parents and students who value educational content and developmental tools.

We partnered with mid-tier and macro influencers to ensure broad reach and high engagement. Their established credibility and significant follower base helped position Mastree as the premier choice for English learning in India.

YouTube was chosen as the primary platform for its ability to host detailed and informative content. Influencers used this platform to create in-depth videos that showcased Mastree’s unique teaching methods and benefits.

Influencers posted content consistently over a six-week period, with new videos going live every few days. This maintained a continuous buzz and engagement, keeping Mastree top-of-mind for parents and students throughout the campaign.

The content was developed with the belief that communication is essential to a happy life and a successful career, and that English is at the forefront of this. Influencers, particularly moms and child influencers, shared personal testimonials, classroom experiences, and success stories. They emphasized the importance of learning English from a young age and how Mastree’s modules effectively develop linguistic skills.

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Powerful Influencer Marketing Awaits

Having driven 1B+ views to the content we create, I believe
‘Facts Tell, Stories Sell’. We live in the age of authentic content. Anything that’s not, quickly gets flagged and dumped. And to solve for it – Confluencr is built on story telling – a bespoke approach to each influencer, each collaboration to maximise the impact for our brands – one content piece at a time.

Sahiba Dhandhania

Founder & CEO, Confluencr

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