MalkansView – CASE STUDY

MalkansView Case Study

Trading your way to Financial Success with MalkansView

MalkansView is a brand that has always been ambitious with their goals and has planned to make them come true. They want to empower the people to take control of their financial future and not the other way around by letting money guide the path they walk on to. The Big Hairy Audacious Goal or as they like to call it ‘BHAG’ is to be number one training company globally in Technical Analysis, influence and impact 100 million people. MalkansView want to change the way India trades by challenging them to get out of their comfort zone and inspire them to do whatever it takes to unleash their true potential, to show the world what you are really capable of and to strive and achieve it.

finance case study

Content Map

The main focus of the campaign was to target Teenagers, Freelancers, Homemakers, Self-Employed people to promote the seminar from MalkansView named ‘Stock Trading Secrets’, teaching fundamental and technical analysis of stocks. We provided the brand with integration with influencers that were seamless and never let it feel unnatural. We tailored it to their requirements and thus created a big impact on the viewers and gained their interest and motivated them to learn about stocks and trading to further speed up of their journey to financial freedom.

The Creators

We collaborated with Motivational, Pure-Knowledge based influencers to create specially crafted integrations to promote the upcoming event for the brand. The creators endorsed why it is important to learn about stocks and trading and what it means to be financially independent. Learning about increasing your sources of income and letting your money work for you were some of the key features that were highlighted throughout the campaign. These key details are the ones that are being taught by MalkansView they wished to encourage people to know about them and hence we curated content around them.

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Some Of The Videos

This is much more informative than I have learned from market. This inspired me to grow my skills in trading. Thank You So Much!

Paying time and Getting knowledge. It's good risk to reward ratio. Definitely worth it!

This got me thinking about my personal finances in a way I had never thought of before. Learning Before Earning! Gonna keep this as my Mantra from now!

“Paisa important nahi hai, Process important hai!" One of the most valuable lessons I have learnt from someone. Kudos to you and your team for providing us with this knowledge!

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