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Smallcase is a fintech company creating a trusted financial ecosystem for investors by partnering with advisors, brokers, and other market participants. They facilitate the seamless onboarding of customer KYC profiles, making it easier for investors to invest in the Indian capital markets.

0 M+

Potential Reach

0 K+


0 K+




We collaborated with influencers from the finance, motivation, and education niches to subtly integrate Smallcase as the top choice for investment strategy. Influencers showcased the platform as a versatile stock market app they personally use.

We selected a mix of micro and mid-tier influencers to balance reach and budget while ensuring authentic engagement and broadening the campaign’s impact. effectively.

YouTube was chosen for its extensive reach and the ability to host detailed, engaging content that can thoroughly explain and promote Smallcase’s features.

Influencers posted content consistently, with a new video every alternate day over a month. This ensured continuous buzz and engagement with Smallcase’s target audience.

Content was designed to highlight Smallcase’s role in investment strategy, emphasizing the platform’s versatility and ease of use. Influencers shared personal experiences, detailed tutorials, and educational insights, creating a trustworthy and informative narrative around Smallcase.

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Powerful Influencer Marketing Awaits

Having driven 1B+ views to the content we create, I believe
‘Facts Tell, Stories Sell’. We live in the age of authentic content. Anything that’s not, quickly gets flagged and dumped. And to solve for it – Confluencr is built on story telling – a bespoke approach to each influencer, each collaboration to maximise the impact for our brands – one content piece at a time.

Sahiba Dhandhania

Founder & CEO, Confluencr

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