
Super Trader Lakshya -  282K Subscribers

Super Trader Lakshya’s content focuses on stock market predictions, Nifty analysis, daily updates and brand-specific exchange on IPOs, fundings, and scope of profits.


Market Maestroo -   729K Subscribers

Market Maestroo YouTube channel is run by Ankit who educates the layman about the finance industry‘s inner workings.


Kritika Yadav -  565K Subscribers

Kritika Yadav’s channel covers the basics of savings, debt investing, and money management and highlights developments in mutual funds, the share market, and the finance industry.


Nitin Bhatia -  982K Subscribers

Nitin Bhatia talks about the stock market, real estate, and personal finance and helps people be smart about managing their finances.


Deepak Bajaj -  736K Subscribers

Deepak Bajaj talks about human behaviour and the success psychology of direct selling. He has hit the benchmark of training 8 Lakh+ direct sellers in the span of 13 years.


B Wealthy -  465K Subscribers

B Wealthy channel is run by Swati who imparts knowledge on investment, savings, income, mutual funds, taxes, insurance, and the stock market.


Neeraj Arora -  745K Subscribers

Neeraj Arora, a trained Chartered Accountant and ardent professor, co-founded this channel with Pooja Sharma. Their organized videos cover the expanse of taxation, auditing, and strategic management.


Labor Law Advisor -  2.83M Subscribers

Labor Law Advisor channel is run by Rishabh and Mandeep who feature video series on finance, business, the stock market, and careers.


Investaru Official -  161K Subscribers

The channel, Investaru Official, covers the expanse of stock analysis, updates on stock market developments, and the latest corporate activity in stocks such as dividends, buyback, bonuses, and the likes.


Trend Trader Karan -  248K Subscribers

Being an independent trading professional, Trend Trader Karan teaches the art of mindful stock trading, talking about intraday trading strategy, swing trading strategies, judging trends, technical analysis, and trading nifty.


Trading Chanakya -  385K Subscribers

Trading Chanakya is a beginner-friendly channel that imparts knowledge on the stock market, technical analysis and market updates.


Trade With Trend -  216K Subscribers

Trade With Trend channel shares videos on trading and investment in the stock market, risk management, and stock market psychology and helps people optimise their financial management.

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