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Founded in 2017 and backed by Mr. Ratan Tata, Upstox aims to make financial investing simple, fair, and accessible for all Indian investors. Their platform helps users find the best stocks to invest in.

0 M+

Potential Reach

0 M+


0 K+




Influencers from Finance, Tech, Infotainment, and Entertainment categories were selected to diversify Upstox’s reach and engagement.

We chose mid-tier and macro influencers to raise awareness and broaden reach, enhancing credibility for Upstox.

YouTube was selected for its suitability in integrating information about Upstox within relevant video content, reaching a niche audience effectively.

Influencers went live every alternate day, ensuring consistent buzz and sustained engagement around Upstox.

Content showcased Upstox as a versatile app for stock markets, appealing to both seasoned traders and new investors. Videos were seamless, story-like, and highlighted the platform’s diverse investment options.

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Powerful Influencer Marketing Awaits

Having driven 1B+ views to the content we create, I believe
‘Facts Tell, Stories Sell’. We live in the age of authentic content. Anything that’s not, quickly gets flagged and dumped. And to solve for it – Confluencr is built on story telling – a bespoke approach to each influencer, each collaboration to maximise the impact for our brands – one content piece at a time.

Sahiba Dhandhania

Founder & CEO, Confluencr

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